Hand met Billie Cup
Hand met Billie Cup

No more disposable cups from 1 January 2024

From 1 January 2024, Single Use Plastics (SUPs) will no longer be used on the Radboud University campus. A major component of these disposable plastics are the disposable cups: we used around 320,000 of them across campus in 2022! High time, then, to change that with 'bring your own cup'.

Bring your own cup means you can choose to bring your own cup from home or use a Billie Cup. At the coffee corners and restaurants, you get your drink in tableware or in a Billie Cup and in the vending machines you have to provide your own cup. You can of course use a Billie Cup for that, but this can also be a cup you bring yourself. Early next year, six vending machines with Billie Cups will be installed across campus, so a reusable cup will always be available. These will be placed at the following locations:

  • The Refter
  • Maria Montessori building: at grand café the Iris
  • Grotius building: ground floor
  • Huygens building: first floor (near Douwe Egberts Coffee Kitchen)
  • University Library: near the coffee corner
  • Elinor Ostrom building: first floor (near Douwe Egberts Coffee Kitchen)

The environmental impact of the disposable cups we use every year is significant. It is therefore important that we all contribute to this step towards a sustainable campus.

Contact information

Organizational unit
Food & Beverage