Following in the footsteps of ambassadors in America and Spain, Professor by Special Appointment Marc van Berkel will represent the Dutch contribution to the global network of Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau from 21 March. With more than two million visitors a year, the museum is committed to preserving and spreading awareness and knowledge about the Holocaust. Late last year, the museum launched online tours, which allow groups with a real guide on site to visit the museum digitally.
The consulship ties in seamlessly with Van Berkel's specific teaching assignment, which examines how the Holocaust can play a meaningful role in Dutch education for new generations. "For young people today, eighty years ago is a very long time. We can better connect education to young people's modern experiences by linking it to contemporary themes and applying digital techniques."
The symposium (1.30 - 5.30 pm) with the new Honorary Consul promises a great discussion about the continued relevance of the Holocaust for new generations and the key role that multimedia digital applications can play in it. National Anti-Semitism Coordinator Eddo Verdoner will open the symposium and will conclude with the inauguration of Van Berkel as Honorary Consul by Museum Director Dr Piotr Cywiński and a Q&A between Van Berkel and State Secretary for Health, Welfare and Sport, Maarten van Ooijen.