ERC Starting Grants for research into social anxiety, lying politicians and more
Four researchers at Radboud University will receive a Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC). They will receive a grant of up to 1.5 million euros.
New scientific publication! Students' consumption of alcohol-free and alcoholic beverages: Substitution or addition?
In this new publication, the Healthy Student Life team has examined the consumption frequency and quantity of alcohol-free and alcoholic beverages among university students, the relationship between these two constructs.
Update lockers: access with Radboud card and maximum usage time
An update on access and maximum usage of lockers in the Maria Montessori building.
Teens recognize risk behavior in movies and series, but are not always critical
When teens see risk behavior such as drinking, smoking or drug use in movies or series, they sometimes find it difficult to define whether it's realistic or not. This is according to research by Anne Sadza of Radboud University.
Political skills crucial for leaders navigating through organisational change
Researchers from Radboud University and the University at Buffalo (State University of New York) found that sincerity, networking ability and other factors play a large role in successful transitions. Their findings are published today.
Staff survey results 2024
In the spring, university employees had the opportunity to complete the staff survey. The results are now available.
‘Without the right social relationships, it's hard to maintain healthy food choices’
Do family, friends and other acquaintances encourage young adults to make more sustainable food choices? Or do they actually stand in the way? That is what behavioural scientist Nina van den Broek is going to investigate with young adults.
4 tips to fully recharge yourself as a student for the new academic year.
For Radboud Recharge Sabine Geurts was asked what students could do to optimally recover during the summer holiday. Statistics from the Healthy Student Life project were used to highlight the importance of student recovery.
New research on everyday discrimination: ‘A different domain and a broader perspective’
Lex Thijssen plans to launch a research study on discrimination in public and semi-public spaces. “This research is important because for various people, systematic discrimination is an everyday reality.”
Healthy Student Life data used in VOX article on drug use at festival
For this VOX article a group of students was followed at the festival Down the Rabbit hole. Numbers on drug use from the Healthy Student Life project were used as background information.
Overview of changes in the EER
The Education and Examination Regulations (EER) of the Faculty of Social Sciences are critically reviewed every year, and revised where necessary. Here you will find the most important changes for the academic year 2024-2025.
Thinking hard ‘hurts’
Mental effort is always unpleasant. This is the conclusion of an extensive study by Radboud researchers among participants from different countries and professional groups.
Making Olympic dreams come true in Paris: ‘Focus as the key to success’
How do you achieve optimal focus to perform at the Olympics?
Tensions on holiday: ‘Opportunity to discuss underlying needs’
Tensions on holiday: where they comes from and could they actually be a good thing?
Representation of minorities on streaming services and broadcasters lags behind
The representation of women, ethnic minorities, seniors and sexual minorities on streaming services and mainstream broadcasters lags behind. This is shown by research by communication scientist Serena Daalmans of Radboud University.
NWO Veni grants for research into privacy in criminal law, mining and malaria
The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded a Veni grant to fifteen young researchers at Radboud University and Radboudumc. With this grant of up to 320.000 euro they can further elaborate their own ideas during a period of three years.
Twice-exceptional students: do you know them?
Evelyn Kroesbergen and Marielle Wittelings spent three years researching what needs to be done to recognise gifted pupils in whom learning, for various reasons, does not come naturally.
Upgrade your workspace to Windows 11 from 1 August
All Windows desktops and laptops managed by Radboud University will be migrated to Windows 11 in the near future. As a staff member of the Faculty of Social Sciences, you will be able to upgrade to Windows 11 as from Thursday 1 August.
Appeal by Marieke van Houte: 'Adopt a Pair of Shoes'
Researcher Marieke van Houte invites people to 'adopt' a pair of children's shoes from the project ''empty shoes, difficult steps'' this summer.
Looking back: The Spirit Machine
The AI-based artwork The Spirit Machine made quite an impression over the past three years. How do the artist, the scientist and the art committee look back on the exhibition? And what do we take away from the artwork?