Summit Grants for research on climate change and the evolution of living cells
Wilhelm Huck and Caroline Slomp have both received a Summit Grant from the NWO with their research consortia.
NWO Summit Grant for studies on the evolution of living cells from lifeless molecules
A large consortium involving Wilhelm Huck, Professor in Physical Organic Chemistry at the Institute for Molecules and Materials (IMM) of Radboud University, has been awarded a NWO Summit Grant to work on the EVOLF programme.
NWO Grant for research on novel antisense antibiotic therapeutics
Willem Velema, Assistant Professor in the Physical Organic Chemistry Group within the Institute for Molecules and Materials (IMM) of Radboud University, has been awarded an NWO grant within the NACTAR program.
The first organic oscillator that makes catalysis swing
Scientists at the University of Groningen have now developed an oscillating system that contains a catalyst, and exhibits periodic catalytic activity: this synthetic chemical oscillator can do more than just keep time.
NWO Vidi Grant for Johan Mentink, Maike Hansen and Willem Velema
Johan Mentink, Maike Hansen and Wim Velema, all researchers within the Institute for Molecules and Materials (IMM) of the Radboud University, have been awarded a NWO Vidi Grant. Vidi is a funding instrument of the NWO.
Droplets in cells determine the accumulation of proteins in age-related diseases
Tiny droplets in our cells can accelerate the accumulation of protein deposits in diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, but they can also hinder this accumulation. Chemists are set to publish their new findings on 2 December.
Open Competition ENW-XS for two Radboud projects
The NWO Domain Board Science has awarded 2 Radboud applications in the Open Competition ENW-XS.
Growth fund grant for robot lab makes Netherlands a leader in Big Chemistry
A research programme aiming to build a revolutionary robot lab that combines chemistry and artificial intelligence (AI) will receive a contribution of 97 million from the National Growth Fund.