Why Do Some Tech Products Provide Years of Continued Use While Others Are Quickly Discarded? A New Study Explores
Paolo Franco, Assistant Professor of Marketing, explored the active role of customers in extending product’s lifecycle and that companies must consider this “entropy work” before limiting or encouraging these activities.
Ursula von der Leyen's big ‘I got you’ moment
Sandrino Smeets has been researching crisis negotiations in the European Union for years. Read his latest opinion in the Volkskrant about Ursula von der Leyen.
NWO grant for HySUCCESS consortium
HySUCCESS consortium launched to examine socio-economic aspects and implementation of hydrogen.
Claudia Gross in podcast Boeie met Unseen on MLM and Dropshipping.
What is multi-level marketing and Dropshipping and what are the problems? University lecturer Claudia Gross talks about this in the podcast Boeie with Unseen.
'It is my passion to contribute to a fairer entrepreneurial climate'
Caroline Essers, associate professor of Entrepreneurship, researches the obstacles entrepreneurs encounter and the opportunities they create for themselves.
Vera Blazevic wins award for AACSB’s 2024 Class of Influential Leaders
Dr. Vera Blazevic, Associate Professor of Marketing, wins the award for AACSB's 2024 Class of Influential Leaders for her expertise in the use of GenAI.
NWO grant for research on mobility for a sustainable future
TRIAS has received funding from the Dutch Research Council (NWO), as part of the KIC Call 'Mobility in a sustainable future'. As part of TRIAS, researchers will look at how to deliver more local and digital healthcare to reduce the need to travel.
Displays of anger and happiness correlates with influence on the board
Showing emotions in the workplace? It is indeed effective in board meetings. Associate Professor of Strategy, Koen van den Oever, has published an article on the subject in the top journal 'Academy of Management Journal'.
University Teaching Awards 2023 awarded
The winners of the University Teaching Awards 2023 have been announced. During the award ceremony on Wednesday morning 20 March, the senior prize went to Nanne Migchels and the talent award went to Henning Meredig.
From medical complaint to legal claim: how to prevent escalation?
Students Lisa Laponder, Nazlican Hayirli and Anne Thijssen, led by Herm Joosten and manager of Quality and Safety Paulien Ogink, investigated how, as an organisation, you can prevent a medical complaint from becoming a legal claim.
In memoriam: Prof. Jac Vennix
On Saturday 27 January, Prof Dr Jac Vennix, emeritus professor of Methodology, died unexpectedly at the age of 72.
Caroline Essers at signing Code Encouraging Female Entrepreneurship
Caroline Essers, associate professor Strategic Human Resource Management, attended the signing of Code-V to encourage female entrepreneurship.
Innovate even in difficult times
Innovating sometimes means standing still, or even taking steps backwards, in order to move forward again. Above all, innovation cannot happen without reorganisation, says Rick Aalbers, appointed Professor of Corporate Restructuring and Innovation.
Dutch companies join hands for circular nappy on Nijmegen campus
Last year, students from the Honours Academy were commissioned by waste and energy plant ARN to study a next step towards circularity of nappies and incontinence materials. On Wednesday 15 November, they presented their findings.
Horizon Europe funding for climate-conscious change in food chain (CHOICE)
Sibel Eker, Assistant Professor of Methods, is involved in project CHOICE, which recently received a Horizon Europe funding. The project aims to bridge social science and marketing tools to accelerate climate action.
Sandrino Smeets in the media on European budget
Sandrino Smeets wrote an opinion piece in the Volkskrant on the European budget.
Artificial intelligence: friend or foe?
Artificial intelligence (AI) is ‘hot’. What is AI and how will it affect us? We asked Vera Blazevic, associate professor in Marketing, and Roel Schouteten, associate professor in Strategic Human Resource Management.
The road to equality: how do we make social systems in organisations more inclusive?
Equality, diversity, and inclusion: These are important themes in the action research of Professor of Methods Inge Bleijenbergh. Her research covers topics such as gender relations in the workplace and the working conditions of migrant workers.
'Healthcare for the elderly needs more than small changes'
How do we treat the elderly? How can we provide the care that they need and deserve despite an increasing shortage of personnel and budget cuts? Researchers from Radboud University brought together various organisations.
Royal distinction for Yvonne Benschop
Prof. Yvonne Benschop received a royal distinction from Mayor Hubert Bruls today, in recognition of her exceptional academic achievements.