AI has far-reaching consequences for education. Fortunately, there are not only risks but also opportunities. For instance, with the help of AI, we can increase digital literacy and student motivation. AI also provides opportunities to offer more customised education, increase learning gains and prevent dropouts. Moreover, implementing AI in education can increase students' equity and free up teacher preparation time. But Marjolein immediately reassures attendees: "At NOLAI, we are always looking for a hybrid form of intelligence, so there remains a role for the teacher."
AI as a Solution
What do school leaders think about when it comes to AI in education? This is laid out in the word cloud below. ChatGPT and opportunities and development are often mentioned, as well as fraud and plagiarism. Co-creation manager Marjolein Geerits: "What is going on in your school right now that AI could potentially provide a solution for? What problems are you facing, and what would a solution with AI look like? And where is the expertise in that area in the Netherlands? We discuss this at NOLAI." A question-orientated articulation session is the starting point for this.