Radboud University launches plan for Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion

“Radboud University contributes to a healthy, free world with equal opportunities for all.” To reinforce this goal and ensure that it does not merely remain empty words, the university launched its Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion (DEI) strategic plan this year. The plan contains specific goals and interventions to promote an inclusive university community in the coming years.

From mentoring programmes and online training courses to a transparent complaints procedure and the formation of a Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion steering group, the strategic plan contains all kinds of specific interventions for 2022–2025.

The underlying goals include further embedding DEI into the university's policy and practice tools, keeping a finger on the pulse of DEI developments, and shaping DEI policies and procedures. In this way, Radboud University aims to position itself as a catalyst for diversity, equal opportunities, and inclusion in 2025 and to realise an accessible, inclusive, and safe campus.

Sustainable development goals

This DEI plan is Radboud University's response to the national action plan for more diversity and inclusion in higher education and research and to its own strategy: A Significant Impact. The university considers it its social responsibility to contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as set by the United Nations. Diversity, equality, and inclusion are an important part of this.

The DEI plan has been developed following advice and input from students and staff members, including the deans of the faculties, divisional directors, and the Executive Board. The expertise of existing local and national diversity networks was also used in compiling the plan.

A DEI manifesto has been compiled in addition to the DEI plan. The manifesto includes tips and conditions on how to make your own contribution.




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