Applied Analysis Seminar hero
Applied Analysis Seminar hero

Radboud University part of Strategic Research Initiative

The Strategic Research Initiative with title "Advancing Mathematical Methods for Wave Phenomena" has been approved for funding by 4TU.AMI. Mathematicians Vanja Nikolić and Laura Scarabosio from Radboud University are members of this initiative.

Vanja and Laura work together with researchers from TU Delft, University of Twente, University of Groningen, Wageningen University & Research, and TU Eindhoven.

By fostering collaboration among diverse research groups in the Netherlands, this initiative aims to leverage collective expertise, identify synergies, and address pressing challenges in the analysis and simulation of wave phenomena.

More information about 4TU.AMI

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More information? Please get in touch with Ariyan Javan Peykar.

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