Review committee very positive about SteR

The visitation committee, which visited SteR in late November 2022, is very positive about the quality and social relevance of research within SteR's four research programmes.

he committee notes that the mutually supportive academic culture with much mutual collaboration is a major strength of SteR. The committee also recognises SteR's distinct profile and guiding mission: everyone is aligned on the long-standing emphasis on nationally oriented legal-dogmatic research. The committee commends SteR for the atmosphere, sense of community and group spirit within SteR. The committee concludes that SteR has carefully implemented the recommendations of previous evaluations and managed to significantly strengthen its governance structure in the period 2016-2021.

In its final report, the committee makes a number of recommendations that will enable SteR to further strengthen its research in the coming years, partly in line with our own strategic objectives for the next six years as described in the self-evaluation report. These include recommendations to develop a strategy on multidisciplinarity, a strategy on research funding and better measurement of the quality of (international) publications. Other recommendations concern monitoring the teaching load, policy on PhDs and careers, supervision of PhD students and Open Access.

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Research Centre for State and Law