The four unions (AOb, CNV, FNV and FBZ) negotiate with the university management on the implementation of the collective labour agreement (cao). They make agreements and rules around contracts, careers, leave and working conditions. More union members give us a better negotiation position, which is important for both employers and employees. Do you want to have input to our local collective agreements? Then profit from this offer and choose the union that suits you.
How it works
- Join one of the four unions in September or October: AOb, CNV, FNV or FBZ.
- In the first year, your employer reimburses €100 of your membership fee.
- Via the selection model, you can enter your trade union contribution as a tax-friendly expenditure objective for extra benefit.
In September, you can find us here:
- 10 September from 12:30-13:30 at the Refter
- 16 September from 12:30-13:30 at the Faculty of Social Sciences
- 24 September from 12:30-13:30 at the Faculty of Science
Online contact? There is a webinar on 18 September. Topic: "Why not? Trade union membership explained" including Q&A /discussion. Join us from 12:30-13:30.
Want to know more? Please read Becoming a member of a trade union | Radboud University (