Sofie Cools
Sofie Cools

Sofie Cools appointed as Professor Sustainable Company Law

Sofie Cools has been appointed as full professor in Sustainable Company Law at the Faculty of Law.

In her earlier research, Sofie Cools pointed to inconsistencies between corporate law and financial law with regard to shareholder engagement in sustainability matters (see here). At Nijmegen, Sofie Cools will collaborate with Claartje Bulten, Seraina Grünewald, Steven Hijink and other members of the Van der Heijden Institute to research the alignment of corporate law and financial law in relation to sustainability issues.

About Sofie Cools

Sofie Cools studied Law at the KU Leuven and Harvard Law School. From 2004 until 2009 she worked an attorney at Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton. Subsequently, she did doctoral research at the KU Leuven and at Harvard Law School. In 2014 she became doctor of law with a thesis on the distribution of powers in the stock corporation. From 2014 until 2019 she was Senior Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg.

Currently, Sofie Cools is a full time professor of corporate law at the KU Leuven, where she is co-director of the Jan Ronse Institute for Company and Financial Law. She also is a member of the editorial board of TRV/RPS, the Belgian Center for Company Law and the Sanction Commission of the FSMA. She authored numerous national and international publications, is associate author of the third edition of The Anatomy of Corporate Law (OUP 2017) and won several prestigious prizes, such as the Fernand Collin Prize for Law.

Contact information

About person
Prof. S.L.M. Cools (Sofie)