Prof. Lejla Batina
Prof. Lejla Batina

The "Challenges in Cyber Security" project has received a prestigious NWO Gravity award.

The "Challenges in Cyber Security" project has received a prestigious NWO Gravity award of €9,932,919 for the next 5 years. This project brings together the world's scientific top from the hard sciences in the cyber security field among which prof.dr. Lejla Batina of iCIS. Goal of the project is to rebuild cyber security on new solid foundations.

'Challenges in Cyber Security' is one of seven research projects that may receive a NWO Gravity this year. The project is coordinated by Tanja Lange of TU/e.  Also Herbert Bos (VU), Marten van Dijk (CWI) and Christian Schaffner (UvA) are also collaborating in this research.

At iCIS Lejla Batina will be the PI of the group that consists of Joan Daemen, Bart Jacobs, Peter Schwabe, Stjepan Picek, Ileana Buhan, Bart Mennink and Simona Samardjiska.

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