Three award winners presented Geert Mak Prize

The Geert Mak Prize was awarded on Friday 10 March, at the University of Münster. As the presentation could not take place for a number of years due to corona, three thesis prizes were awarded this year which ended up being one big party! Christina Borchert, Annelinde Vermeulen and Maartje Bruinewoud were among the winners, winning 1,000 euros each with their Master's theses.

Annelinde Vermeulen did not expect to be one of the lucky ones. She wrote her thesis, The Filter Bubble in Germany and the Netherlands: An exploratory study of Google personalisation in both countries, in 2020to complete her Master's degree in European Studies (with focus on the Netherlands and Germany). Annelinde investigated whether Dutch and Germans know that search results on Google are personalised and whether Dutch and German people behave more cautiously on the web as a result. "The jury liked the topical theme of my thesis," says Annelinde.

Annelinde has yet to decide what she will do with the money. She says, "I think it's a shame to just deposit it in my savings account. I want to do something special with it, but I don't know exactly what yet."

Prijswinnaars Geert Makprijs
Fotograaf: Franziska Vehling. Prijswinnaars v.l.n.r.: Christina Borchert, Annelinde Vermeulen en Maartje Bruinewoud.


The ceremony was also an occasion where Annelinde saw her fellow students. She followed the Master's programme from 2018 to 2020 with 23 other students, including four German students. "The unique thing about the Master's is its cross-border nature,' Annelinde explains. 'During the two-year Master's, both Dutch and German students study the first year at Radboud University in Nijmegen and then one year at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität in Münster. It was nice to be back at the University in Münster for a while during the ceremony. It felt like coming home again!"

She continues: "It was nice to see and talk to my old fellow students again years after graduation. They all found jobs quickly, including in education, the communications industry and the cultural sector. You form a close-knit group because you leave for Münster together after the first year of study."

Overzicht prijswinaars Geert Makprijs
Fotograaf: Franziska Vehling.


She herself works as an International Marketing and Communications Specialist at the Faculty of Arts at Radboud University in Nijmegen, a job in which she benefits greatly from the knowledge she gained during her Master's degree. Annelinde: "I still speak a lot of German because I focus on international recruitment, so I also visit international trade fairs in Münster, as well as other places."

Having lived in Germany for part of her Master's, she also learned to look at her home country from a different perspective. Annelinde: "I found it very interesting to look at the Netherlands from a German perspective during the second year of the Master's programme."

Would you like more information about the European Studies (with focus on the Netherlands and Germany) Master's programme?

Are you interested in learning more about the relations between the Netherlands and Germany with the opportunity to study for a year at the University of Münster?

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