Team Connectivity
Team Connectivity

Upgrade your workspace to Windows 11 from 1 August

All Windows desktops and laptops managed by Radboud University will be migrated to Windows 11 in the near future. As a staff member of the Faculty of Social Sciences, you will be able to upgrade to Windows 11 as from Thursday 1 August. This applies to both fixed workspaces (desktops) and laptops.

All Radboud-managed Windows workspaces currently run on Windows 10. Microsoft will stop offering support for Windows 10 as of October 2025. This means that Windows 10 will cease to be secure from that point on because updates will no longer be offered, and this will increase the risk of vulnerabilities. Accordingly, Windows 11 will be installed on all Radboud managed Windows workspaces before then.

Start the upgrade yourself

Once a notification pops up on your screen, you can carry out the upgrade yourself at a time that suits you. Carefully take the following steps before starting the upgrade: 

Melding upgrade Windows 11
  1. Save all your files before starting the upgrade. This is important because your online workspace will automatically restart during the upgrade.
  2. If you are carrying out the upgrade on a laptop, it is important to charge it during the upgrade and keep it plugged in until the upgrade is complete. This prevents the upgrade from being interrupted in the meantime.
  3. Connect your online workspace to the university's internet network (via eduroam, eduVPN or a physical connection). If you turn on eduVPN, you can perform the upgrade from home or from another remote location.
  4. Start the upgrade to Windows 11 via the notification that appears at the bottom right of your screen (see image). You will be unable to use your desktop or laptop for about an hour during the upgrade. So keep this in mind in your schedule. If the notification to start the upgrade is no longer on your screen, you can schedule or initiate the upgrade yourself via this roadmap (connect to eduVPN to view this page).

Please note: You can postpone the upgrade for up to eight weeks, after which it will be enforceably carried out.

If you do not receive a notification to carry out the update after 1 August, there could be a number of causes.

Contact information

Do you have any questions? Please contact the ICT Helpdesk via icthelpdesk [at] (ICThelpdesk[at]ru[dot]nl) or on +31 243 622 222.

Organizational unit
Faculty of Social Sciences