dr. C. Tejedor Garcia (Cristian)
dr. C. Tejedor Garcia (Cristian)

"We deploy AI speech recognition technology to help vulnerable groups in their daily lives"

Analyzing human voices: AI can already do that pretty well. But being able to diagnose neurodegenerative diseases faster on the basis of a voice? Or only needing someone's voice to properly assess their pronunciation and reading skills in no time? These are challenges Cristian Tejedor-García is focusing on. In an interview on AiNed, we get to know him and his ambition in more detail.

As a computer scientist specializing in speech recognition technology, he did some preliminary work earlier, in his home country of Spain. So too in the Netherlands, as he started at Radboud University in Nijmegen in 2021. His efforts earned him an AiNed Fellowship grant. And since the beginning of this year, he has been leading Responsible AI for Voice Diagnostics (RAIVD) there as an assistant professor. A groundbreaking research project.

Read the full interview on AiNed's website

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