Board and participational bodies Law
The faculty is governed by the Faculty Board, who collaborates with the Faculty Joint Assembly. Both students and staff members serve in the Faculty Joint Assembly and on various participational bodies and committees.
Faculty Board
The Faculty Board determines the general direction that is taken by the faculty. This direction is shaped by both the Faculty Board and the Faculty Joint Assembly, in which both staff members and students serve.
Board members
Roel Schutgens (Dean)
Claartje Bulten (Vice-Dean of Research)
Vincent van Hoof (Vice-Dean of Education)
Sharon de Groot (Administrative Director)
Tessa van Schendel (Secretary)
Jildou Niezink (student assessor)
Student assessor
The student assessor serves on the Faculty Board and provides the student perspective during meetings. The assessor also maintains close contact with the Faculty Student Council (FSR) and the Programme Committee (OLC) and liaises with assessors from other faculties.
Do you have a question, complaint or idea? Then get in touch via the contact form.
2024-2025 Student Assessor
Jildou Niezink
Faculty Joint Assembly
During the Faculty Joint Assembly (FGV), staff and students meet with the Faculty Board to discuss the current and future policies of the faculty. The participational bodies are organised in the Representative Council (OC). The Faculty Student Council (FSR) promotes the interests of the students. These are usually public meetings.
Representative Council
The Representative Council (RC) is the participatory body for faculty staff and is part of the Works Council at Radboud University. The Works Council consists of eleven members and you can go to each of them with tips, comments or questions about matters in the faculty.
RC 2023-2024
- Ronald Tinnevelt
- Toni van Gennip
- Vincent Koolen
- Tom Salemink
- Irene Larooy
- Miriam Kullmann
- Ben Schuijling
- Albertine Wenting
- Andrée Sikkema-Lenaerts
- Tim Walree
- Rian Bobbink
Do you have questions or remarks for the Representative Council? Do you have complaints about your working conditions? Would you like to bring certain bottlenecks to the attention of the OC? If so, you can always speak to one of the members of the OC. They would like to hear your opinion on topics that are under discussion within the faculty or that you think should be addressed.
Faculty Student Council
The Faculty Student Council (FSR) defends the interests of the students within the faculty. They deal with matters such as examination timetables, library opening hours and examination regulations.
2024-2025 Faculty Student Council
- Yentle Hoven
- Marloes Agterdenbos
- Amber Veldhuis
- Niels Berning
Programme Committee
All programs have a programme committee (OLC). The OLC deals with the content and quality of education. Its main task is to evaluate education and give advice on the annual adoption of the Education and Examination Regulations (EER). Both students and staff are members of the education committee.
The 2023 - 2024 program committee consists of:
Staff members: Karin Zwaan (chair), Nico Tilburgs (secretary), Inge Baanders, Jonne Bossers-Cnossen, Jelle Cnossen, Ingrid Dijkstra, Kirsten Everaars, Narine Ghazaryan, Saskia Hillegers, Rian de Jong and Matthijs van Schadewijk.
Student members: Gwynned Beets, Jildou Bekkers, Julia Day, Daniël van Dijk, Gwendoline Kruit, Jildou Niezink, Sander Peperkamp and Amber Veldhuis.
Faculty committees are concerned with the content and quality of teaching, research and its support.
- Science Committee
- Quality Assurance Committee
- Examination Committee
- The Binding Study Advice Committee
- Radboud International College of Law (RICOL)
- Working group ICT in Education
- Academic Programme Advisory Board
- Programme Advisory Board from the Legal Practice
Diversity, Equality and Inclusion
The faculty board believes it is important for this faculty to be an inclusive place, where everyone feels welcome and equal. The DEI committee was created to advise the board in this regard. This committee consists of representatives of academic staff, support staff and students.
Photo (fltr): Annemarie Gerrits-Artz (secretary), Maartje Gierveld, Jarno te Bogt, Luuk van den Ham, Eline Essed, Machteld Vonk (chair), Sandra Mantu, Manon Hermans.
Not in the picture: Ismet Öncü and Morris Hendriks
Do you have questions, ideas or would you like to be involved in a DEI theme? Then email to the address below.