Strategic principles
Radboud University's strategy document, A significant impact, describes the University's strategic principles and ambitions for the 2020-2025 period. The document covers five domains: Education, Research, Impact, People, and Facilities.
Nijmegen School of Management forms a unique, broad combination of scientific disciplines (political science, public administration, human geography, spatial planning, environmental and social sciences, business administration, and economics) with a rich methodological expertise.
Building on the University's strategy, the present document articulates the Faculty's framing strategy, based on the following principles:
- It is not only about what we are good at, but also what we are good for
- Our teaching and research are interconnected and of equal importance
- Our teaching and research have scientific and societal impact;
- We develop our inter- and transdisciplinary focus in education and research from strong disciplinary bases
- In our research we are committed to team science, and in our teaching to team work
- We offer nationally and internationally accredited disciplinary and interdisciplinary Bachelor's and Master's study programmes, and high-quality post-initial educational programmes
- In education and research, our central values are bonding, responsibility and clarity
- In our research, we value quality over quantity
- Our research is transparent, honest, and reproducible
- We provide a pleasant and intellectually challenging study and work environment
- In the Elinor Ostrom building, we offer excellent facilities for students and staff.