About the Faculty of Science

The Faculty of Science is a faculty at Radboud University in Nijmegen. The Faculty's mission is to push the boundaries of scientific knowledge through outstanding education and ground-breaking research.

Strategisch Plan Faculteit der Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Informatica

Science with impact

The Faculty of Science strives to push the boundaries of scientific knowledge. This means cutting-edge research and outstanding education. In doing so, we take our responsibility as a key actor in helping to find solutions for major societal and scientific challenges.

Download the Strategic Plan 2021-2025

Faculty Board

The Faculty Board of the Faculty of Science is responsible for governing and managing the faculty with regard to the quality of our education and research.

Learn more about the Faculty Board

Faculteitsbestuur FNWI


Suggestion Box Faculty of Science

An overview of the actions taken based on suggestions made in the Faculty of Science suggestion box.

Een honingraat met verschillende afbeeldingen passend bij het thema sociale veiligheid.

Social Safety at the Faculty of Science

The Faculty of Science (FoS) wants to create more awareness about the theme of social safety. By doing so, we want to make it easier for students and employees to report undesirable behaviour.

Participational bodies

The board is supported in their decision-making by various committees and participational bodies. 

Participational bodies of the faculty consist of: the Representative Council and the Faculty Student Council. Together, they form the Faculty Joint Assembly and they represent the interests of staff and students and contribute to general and strategic policy. 

Also, there is participation per study programme in the form of programme committees and institute assessors.

View the participational bodies

Gender, Diversity and Inclusion

The faculty is convinced that diverse teams achieve better, and that the diversity of our students and staff contributes to the quality of our academic community. The Gender, Diversity and Inclusion committee (GenDi) strives to make the faculty a good place for everyone where diverse talents are welcome and appreciated.

About the GenDi committee

Art committee

The central hall on the ground floor of the Huygens Building is an excellent venue for exhibiting paintings, drawings, photographs and small works of art. 

The faculty's Art Committee organises rotating exhibitions that can be enjoyed and drawn inspiration from between lectures, experiments, administrative work, meetings or other activities. 

More information? Please get in touch with the kunstcommissie-fnwi [at] science.ru.nl (Art committee).

Huygens building

The Huygens building is the main building of the Faculty of Science. 

Contact and route