Lifelong Learning

2022 until 2027
Project type
Radboud Academy

One of the areas in which Maastricht University and Radboud University cooperate is Lifelong Learning. We also work very closely with the Open University, and together we form a regional lifelong learning hub for the south-east of the Netherlands.

As traditional universities, we already offer an extensive and leading range of post-academic courses, but we are increasing our impact in the region by joining forces to develop innovative education for professionals. Our joint lifelong learning initiatives respond to the current training needs of the Limburg and Gelderland region and therefore contribute to solving the major challenges facing the job market in these times of profound social change. Aligning the latest scientific knowledge generated by our knowledge institutions with the training needs of our region provides a solid foundation. We facilitate a dynamic exchange between municipal and provincial governments, companies and other knowledge institutions (secondary vocational education (MBO) and higher professional education (HBO) levels) to deliver a wide range of further and continued education programmes and retraining programmes for different target groups. By scaling up, expanding our network and tailoring our offerings, we are able to reach large groups of professionals in our region.

Through this lifelong learning partnership, we also submit joint applications for Growth Fund resources (via the Lifelong Learning Catalyst) to give an extra boost to the region's integrated ambitions and to jointly develop training courses that meet the current needs of the job market. Initially, the focus is on professionals active in the energy and raw materials transition, and in later application rounds on other major topics such as healthcare and digitalisation.



  • Radboud University, Maastricht University and the Open University are collaborating in the South-East Netherlands regional hub for lifelong learning.