Privacy statement Radboud Centre Social Sciences

Subprivacy statement

This subprivacy statement applies to the processing of personal data by Radboud Centre Social Sciences, part of Radboud University, and should be read in conjunction with Radboud University's general privacy statement.

Radboud Centre Social Sciences respects your privacy and ensures that your personal data are processed in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. In this statement, we inform you about how Radboud Centre Social Sciences handles your personal data, for what purposes and on what grounds, how your personal data are processed, what rights you have if your personal data are processed and where to go with questions or requests about your privacy.

Privacy, using our web services and storing personal data

When you register for one of our training programmes, courses or conferences via a digital registration form, we ask you to provide personal data. This data is used to perform the service. Personal data is carefully processed and secured in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG).

You contact us via registration form or e-mail

When you send a registration form for a training, course or conference or other messages to us, we may retain those messages. Sometimes we ask you for your personal data relevant to the situation at hand. In addition, we store your IP address. This enables us to process your questions and answer your requests to the best of our ability.

This data will be carefully processed and secured in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We will not combine this data with any other personal data in our possession and will not provide this information to third parties.

We contact you via our newsletter

We like to keep you informed about our educational offerings that match your interests. One of the ways we do this is through the RadboudCSW Newsletter. Our newsletter is only distributed to our students and alumni. Other interested parties can subscribe to the newsletter via our website. We then ask you to enter your name and e-mail address. This enables us to respond to your request.

This data will be carefully processed and secured in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG). We will not combine this data with any other personal data in our possession and will not provide this information to third parties.

Adjust/unsubscribe RCSW Newsletter

At the bottom of every RadboudCSW Newsletter you will find the option to edit your details or to unsubscribe.

Privacy & the storage of personal data by our trainees

RadboudCSW requires trainees to handle sensitive data with care. Clients must be confident that their data will be handled confidentially. As an educational institution, we provide all our trainees with a manual that highlights these issues, among others:

  • General security of iPad and/or computer
  • Security settings of iPad and/or computer
  • Anonymisation of clients' personal data within the digital learning environment

RadboudCSW is also required by law to report all security incidents to Radboud University and the Personal Data Authority. Trainees who fear that there is or has been a potential data breach report this to the coordinator as soon as possible. 

Questions and feedback

We regularly check our compliance with this privacy policy. If you have any questions about this privacy policy, please send an e-mail to radboudcsw [at] (radboudcsw[at]ru[dot]nl).