1. Privacy statement
Campus Detachering BV respects the privacy of all visitors to its website and recipients of its services, and ensures that any personal information that is provided to us is treated with due care and in confidence. Campus Detachering BV works exclusively with students and arranges jobs on the side for students with its clients and payment for the time that they have worked. Those clients consist exclusively of departments within Radboud University. By submitting your personal details through the website, you consent to Campus Detachering using your data in accordance with this privacy statement.
1.1 Collecting and processing personal data
You may visit the Campus Detachering BV website without providing information about your identity. However, there are situations in which information is required of you that could be traced back to your identity, such as your name, address and email address. These are examples of personal data.
Campus Detachering BV records details pertaining to you for the purposes of providing its services. You yourself are responsible for ensuring that the information that you provide is accurate and upto-date. This information is used to include your details in our back office system, for example, if you obtain a job on the side through us and to grant you access to the electronic time portal (DC Online), as well as to contact you (by telephone, email or post) with regard to information that may be relevant to you. Your information is important to us not only because we are able to use it to execute our agreements with you but also because it enables us to comply with our legal obligations. For instance, we need to comply with our duty to verify your identity by checking whether you are who you say you are and by storing a copy of your identity card or passport. For example, we also have a duty to pass on your details to the Tax and Customs Administration office in connection with the Salaries Tax Act (Wet op loonbelasting).
We collect or request information from you in the following circumstances:
- if you apply for a job. See 1.2 (Job application procedure) in this respect;
- if you register for our vacancy service (opt-in), we will send you a list of current vacancies by email every week. It may also happen on an ad-hoc basis that we draw your attention again to a vacancy in the interim or that we send you a newsletter. For this reason we ask for your name and email address. Your details will only be kept in our mailing list for this purpose and will not be forwarded to anyone else. The programme that we use for the mailing list, is shared with the Radboud University. Therefore, the employees of the university that are authorised to use it, have access to the name and email address with which you registered. You may cancel your registration by unsubscribing using the link in the mailshot or on the website (opt-out). If you do this, your details will be deleted within one week;
- if a client (a department within Radboud University) submits a request to us for you to work for it, it will provide us with your name, initials, the name by which you are known, your date of birth, email address and telephone number. It will also mention whether you are studying at Radboud University or not. In addition, it will indicate the salary scale subject to which you will be working. This information will be received by email in an application form. We will use it to prepare your placement and to contact you. Using that information, we will check whether you are party to an employment contract with us already. If this is the case, we will usually be able to process the placement and you will receive confirmation of your placement along with the details of it by email. Your new placement will become visible in the electronic time portal;
- If you are not yet employed by us, we will send you a request by email to register with us via a link. We will periodically (every week) send you a reminder or contact you by telephone if Privacy Statement Campus Detachering BV 7 you do not register or respond. After three times we will notify our client that we are unable to place you and your details will be deleted;
- if you register via the link that we send to you, it will be deemed that we have asked you to do so in response to a placement request. You will then have a job on the side for which an employment contract and all that is associated with it will be required. We will ask you to enter your details in the registration form. We will request some details in our capacity as an employer, such as, the name by which you are known, your initials, last name, gender, date of birth, marital status, street and number, postcode, place, country, telephone number and email address. We will include your details in our back office system and may use them to contact you, draw up your employment contract and process your salary, for example. Some of those details will also be sent to the electronic time portal (CD Online), so as to enable you to enter the time that you have worked. In the registration form we also ask whether and where you study, the date on which you started to do so and the date on which you expect to finish. We want to know this, because we may only enter into an employment contract with students. The expiry date of your employment contract is also based on this; - When you come in to sign your employment contract, we will make a copy of your passport or identity card and BSN (CSN) and we will ask you to complete a salary tax declaration and to check a form in which those of your details that we have already received from you have been entered. Then you will also let us know whether you have ever previously been employed by Radboud University and you will tell us your account number, so that we can pay you; - After you have worked with us for a year, we will send you an offer to work fixed hours. In case you accept, we make up a document of this choice, in which your full name, expected graduation date and your wishes regarding the contract are listed.
We will store your data for up to 7 years after you cease to be employed (end of that year). You may request your data, or arrange for it to be corrected or removed from the files held by Campus Detachering BV (provided that no legally stipulated retention period applies). Please contact us by email at info [at] cd.ru.nl or in writing addressed to Campus Detachering BV, Postbus 9044, 6500 KD Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
1.2 Job application procedure
If you would like to apply for a job at Campus Detachering, please follow the procedure below.
Job application
Please send us (or our client if you are applying directly) your curriculum vitae by email along with an accompanying letter setting out your reasons.
Confirmation of receipt
After you apply for a job, you will receive a notice of confirmation by email that we have received your application.
Your data
Campus Detachering will treat your personal data in confidence and with due care in the case of a job application procedure. Campus Detachering will continue to hold all of the data that you supply and no one else will be able to view it. Your data will only be used for your job application at Campus Detachering. If you apply for a job, you will be deemed to have consented to your data being stored temporarily.
Your job application letter, curriculum vitae and any other attachments will be destroyed within four weeks after the job application procedure has been completed. Any data stored in the central database will also be deleted within this period.
An initial selection will be made on the basis of the responses that are received. Based on this, we will contact you for an interview (by telephone or otherwise). We will also inform you if you are not part of the initial selection. We seek to respond to candidates by email as soon as possible but by no later than two weeks after a vacancy is filled. At such time as we speak to you and together come to the conclusion that you are suitable for the relevant position, we will send your curriculum vitae to our client (the contact person for the purposes of the vacancy concerned within RU). The latter will then contact you for an interview or we will make an appointment with you for that purpose.
In the case of some positions we would like to consult several references by way of support for our selection. We will only approach them with your consent.
You will be personally informed as to whether you will be offered an employment contract or if have been rejected. If you still have any questions about this, please contact us.
The job application process at Campus Detachering is based on the NVP job application code.
1.3 Transfer of personal data
Campus Detachering BV will not pass on any personal details that you supply to any other party other than the one who is involved with your placement. This is subject to an exception in the case of special circumstances, for example, if legally required or in case we would like to give you a present. In that case we will always have a signed agreement with the third party to make sure your data is only used for this specific purpose and will be deleted subsequently.
The people who are involved with your placement are frequently your superior, who approves the time concerned, and the person in your department who submits your placement application. You may find the precise data that they see in 1.6 (Online electronic time portal (CD Online) account).
Radboud University’s Department of Control, Information and Finance will receive some of your personal data, because it will be responsible for paying your salary. Every month they will receive a file from us containing your name, bank account number and salary, provided that you have spent time working.
1.4 Data retention period
Campus Detachering BV will not keep personal data for longer than the purposes for which it has been collected or used, or is deemed necessary and in accordance with the legally stipulated retention periods.
1.5 Security
The data that you supply to Campus Detachering BV will be stored in a secure environment. At all times when processing personal data, Campus Detachering BV will maintain a level of security that, given the state of the art, is adequate for the purposes of preventing unlawful access to, or the modification, disclosure or loss of personal data. Processing agreements have been concluded with the suppliers of the software that is used.
1.6 Online electronic time portal (CD Online) account
If you are employed by Campus Detachering BV, you will receive access to CD Online. There you can view your data, record time worked and find your payslips and annual statements. In addition, there you will find news reports that are relevant to you in your capacity as an employee, as well as important information such as the absenteeism protocol, employment benefit schemes and information concerning salary payments.
Some of your data will be included in CD Online, namely, your name and contact and log-in details. The details of your placement, such as the starting and expiry dates, your salary scale and the expiry date of your employment contract with Campus Detachering BV, will also be included. Campus Detachering BV staff can use the help desk feature to view matters, if you have questions in relation to your account or entering times.
Some of your data will also be visible to the department for which you work, namely, to anyone who approves your times (probably your superior), and to any who is responsible for placement applications and the relevant budget manager. They will not have access to your log-in details and online documents, such as payslips, but in their environment they will be able to see your name, contact and placement details, and the time that you have worked including timesheets. The expiry date of your employment contract is included, so as to enable them to see when scheduling or applying for an extension of your placement whether this would still be possible within your term of employment. It is necessary for them to be able to see this, because they are responsible for approving your times, extending your placement and monitoring your allocated time, allotting you more where necessary.
Your online account will remain available for up to one and a half year after the end of your final placement or after the last message is sent to you (consider for instance your annual statement).
We will store your data for up to 7 years after you cease to be employed (up to the end of that year).
1.7 Cookies
Ru.nl/student jobs uses cookies to optimise the functionality of specific website pages. Cookies are small text files that a website page places on a visitor's computer. Such a cookie stores information, such as the relevant visitor's specific preferences. As a result, Campus Detachering BV is able to serve a visitor even better when they next visit.
As a visitor you may determine yourself how cookies are dealt with. You may configure your browser to allow cookies to be used or not, or only partially so. In the latter case you may stipulate which websites are permitted to place cookies. This will then be prohibited in the case of all other websites. Most modern browsers offer these options. Cookies may always be deleted on a computer, also through your browser.
Our policy in relation to cookies on our websites applies strictly in accordance with the legal protection afforded to your personal data and privacy. We comply with all legislation and regulations that exist and that are still being developed extensively in this field.
1.8 Amendments
Campus Detachering BV reserves the right to modify this privacy statement.