Radboud University handles your personal data with care. You must be able to trust that your data are processed lawfully and protected appropriately. That is why Radboud University wants to be transparent about what we do with your personal data, by means of this special Privacy Statement for course participants of Radboud Academy. In addition, Radboud University has a General Privacy Statement. In this statement, we generally inform you about the way in which the university processes your data and what rights you have. In addition, the RU subprivacy statements for students & course participants, alumni and photography & video also apply to Radboud Academy course participants, where relevant.
Objectives of data processing
a) to be able to confirm your registration and to correspond about registration, such as course dates, times and certification;
b) to be able to collect course fees;
c) to be able to grant you access to Brightspace, Radboud University’s digital learning environment;
d) to be able to evaluate our courses and service provision, via target group surveys, among other tools;
e) to be able to inform you about our course range.
Source documents and retention periods
Data are provided via the registration form on the website and via the Alumni & Career Service of Radboud University. We store your data in accordance with laws and legislation and following the Selection List for Universities and UMCs of 1 January 2020.
In which systems we store your data
Your data are stored on RU’s secure network environment.
Who receives your data
Your data are shared outside Radboud Academy with our external teachers and trainers and with RU’s financial administration.
Grounds for data processing
Radboud Academy processes your personal data on one of the following grounds:
a) to implement the agreement with the party involved;
b) in the promotion of a legitimate interest of Radboud University;
c) to satisfy legal obligations; or
d) consent of the party involved.
Your rights
By sending an email to mijnprivacy [at] ru.nl (mijnprivacy[at]ru[dot]nl), you can:
- request to inspect, delete or rectify your data
- request data portability (the transfer of data)
- request to restrict the processing of your personal data
- object to the processing of your personal data
Which data we process
- General personal data
- Name
- Position
- Private and work contact details
- Year of birth and/or age
- Visual material
- Account (U/S/E number)
- Prior education
- Particular personal data
- none
Contact details
If you have any questions about this service provided by Radboud Academy, you can contact Radboud Academy directly: radboudacademy [at] ru.nl (radboudacademy[at]ru[dot]nl).