Campus Radboud Universiteit
Campus Radboud Universiteit

Social Safety Action Plan

With this ‘Prevent - Care - Cure’ action plan, Radboud University is taking a new direction, with one clear goal in mind: that Radboud University becomes a safe environment where cooperation, collegiality, equality, openness, and attention for one another are a given. We implement a firmer foundation, so that it becomes normal to see Radboud University as a safe environment, and we all behave accordingly.

Read the Action Plan Social Safety

To the Action Plan

Het college van bestuur van de Radboud Universiteit bestaat uit José Sanders (rector magnificus), Daniël Wigboldus (voorzitter) en Agnes Muskens (vicevoorzitter)

A promise on behalf of the Executive Board

As the Executive Board, we want to clearly express our commitment to keeping social safety at the top of Radboud University's agenda. This is important for the well-being of individual students and staff members, for sound partnership, for high-quality teaching and research, and for the general mission of Radboud University. We want to contribute to a healthy, free world with equal opportunities for all. 

We are aware that stepping forward asks something from all of us and will also present us with new questions. Where additional efforts are required, we will make this possible. This plan is not a final product, it is only the start. We would like to thank everyone for having the courage to speak out, and for sharing their knowledge and insights. Your input contributes to our identity and the desired climate, in which respectful interaction is the norm. 

The Radboud Standard

Transgressive behaviour has no place within Radboud University. Together, we create an environment where cooperation, collegiality, equality, openness and consideration for one another are a given. Students and staff members can be themselves and treat one another respectfully, regardless of origin, belief, gender, sexual orientation, disability, role or position. Everyone at our university knows this standard, lives up to it, and feels supported in correcting undesirable behaviour, speaking out about it, and holding others accountable. Everyone can count on a safety net of measures and care, and on proportional, fair and careful handling of complaints and reports. That is our Radboud standard. 

What we will do

  • Prevent: We will focus more explicitly on prevention and strengthening a culture that leaves no room for undesirable behaviour. This includes strengthening leadership within the organisation and providing more tools by further professionalising our HR policy. 
  • Care & Cure: If a violation does occur, we will make it easy to address this, and where necessary take proportionate and fair measures and provide aftercare, taking into account the interests of all stakeholders. We will do so on the basis of transparent and unambiguous policies. One of our concrete planned steps in this context is the creation of a single accessible hotline for students and staff. 
een groep collega's in een overleg

Visit our meetings

In early 2024, there will be eight different meetings on campus for all employees and students, where we will explain the plan and engage in discussions. You can expect an open invitation for this in January.

Stay Informed

Do you want to stay informed about developments in the field of social safety? We will regularly share updates via:

  1. This page
  2. Our newsletters
  3. Emails to students and staff

Contact us

If you have any questions or comments regarding social safety at Radboud University, please send an email to socialsafety [at]