Background documentation CMR
As a centre of expertise, the Centre for Migration Law offers both current and historical documentation on European and national migration law.
CMR newsletters
NEMIS: Newsletter on European Migration Issues
NEAIS: Newsletter on European Asylum Issues
NEFIS: Newsletter on European Free Movement Issues
CJEU Overview: Overview of CJEU judgments and pending cases
DiCTA is a digital case tool on asylum in Europe. Here you will find laws, cases and topics related to this topic.
Historical documentation on immigration regulations
Here you will find, among other things:
- Aliens Acts ('Vreemdelingenwet')
- Aliens circulars ('Vreemdelingencirculaires')
- Interim Notices Aliens Circulars
- Aliens Circular Amendment Decisions
- Work instructions (of the Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND))
- Information Notices (IB)
Documentation on the war in Ukraine
This documentation on migration and the war in Ukraine was compiled by Carolus Grütters.