Each faculty has Career officers who offer advice and coaching. Use the links below to make an appointment with one of your Career officers.
Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies
Career Service Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies
careerservice-ftr [at] ru.nl (Make an appointment)
Career officers
careerservice-ftr [at] ru.nl
Faculty of Arts
careerservice [at] let.ru.nl
Nijmegen School of Management
careerservice [at] fm.ru.nl
Faculty of Medical Sciences
careerservice.rha [at] radboudumc.nl
Faculty of Law
Career officers
Study and Career Advisor
careerservice [at] jur.ru.nl
Faculty of Science
careerservice [at] science.ru.nl
Faculty of Social Sciences
Career Service Social Sciences
Career officers
careerservice.fsw [at] ru.nl
Radboud Career Service
If you do not know which faculty to contact or if you prefer to speak to someone from Career Service who is not connected to a faculty, you can contact Radboud Career Service.
careerservice [at] ru.nl