Press office & science communication

Through Radboud University's press office, journalists and others in the media can get into contact with researchers and other experts who can offer context to the latest news. Our science communication team can also be researched for more information about ongoing research, upcoming PhD defenses or other information regarding research at Radboud University.

Press and media contacts (all questions)

For more information about the research at Radboud University, you can contact our science communication team. They can be reached via +31 24 361 60 00 or media [at] (media[at]ru[dot]nl), or via the contacts listed below. For questions about administrative and corporate matters, reach out to our spokespersons below. 

Portretfoto Thomas Haenen

Thomas Haenen

Science communication officer

Phone number: +31 24 309 62 19
Email: thomas.haenen [at] (thomas[dot]haenen[at]ru[dot]nl)
For questions regarding: politics, law, cyber security, artificial intelligence, tech, economics and management

Wies Bakker

Wies Bakker

Science communication officer

Phone number: +316 25 77 16 37
Email: wies.bakker [at] (wies[dot]bakker[at]ru[dot]nl)
For questions regarding: Languages and culture, psychology and behaviour, history, sociology, philosophy, theology and religion

Portret Lieneke van Dijk

Lieneke van Dijk

Science communication officer

Phone number: +31 6 31 13 23 63
Email: lieneke.vandijk [at] (lieneke[dot]vandijk[at]ru[dot]nl)
For questions regarding: astronomy, biology, sustainability and climate, brain research, math, physics and chemistry

Portretfoto Martijn Gerritsen

Martijn Gerritsen


Phone number: +31 24 361 14 33
Email: martijn.gerritsen [at] (martijn[dot]gerritsen[at]ru[dot]nl)
For questions regarding: administrative and corporate matters

Kelly Janssen

Kelly Janssen


Phone number: +31 6 31 13 29 53
Email: kelly.janssen [at] (kelly[dot]janssen[at]ru[dot]nl)
For questions regarding: administrative and corporate matters


For questions about our medical research and researchers, contact the press office at Radboudumc. They can be reached at +31 24 366 73 38, or via nieuws [at]

For scientists

Are you as a scientist approached by the press, or would you like to present your scientific work to a journalist or public audience? We advise and assist.

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