Adaptive Learning Lab (ALL)

Research group

Within our research group, we focus on the synergy of adaptive learning technologies, self-regulated learning, and the integration of data, learning analytics, and artificial intelligence in education. We explore the evolving interaction between humans and technical systems, particularly within the context of one device per student. Our goal is to unravel the intricate complexities of human-system interaction in education using systematic approaches.


Our research approach involves the design and development of innovative adaptive learning technologies. Additionally, we explore the impact of these technologies on learning and teaching practices.

Designing and developing innovative learning technologies

We focus on advanced measurement and support of self-regulated learning using data, learning analytics and artificial intelligence. In doing so, we have developed novel support tools for learners. 

The impact of technology on learning and teaching practices

We focus on investigating the impact of adaptive learning technologies on teachers and learners in schools. Our technologies, such as Jeffies World, are widely utilised in the Netherlands for vocabulary learning in toddlers and their partners.

Research projects

Artificial intelligence: there are problems we need to address right now, the rest is science fiction


The project investigates the degree of automation by AI by checking which tasks in the schools are outsourced to generative AI.

somebody looking trough a telescope while thinking of a webpage


Our team at the 'Adaptive Learning Lab research group at Radboud University in Nijmegen and the National Education Lab AI (NOLAI) investigates how to enhance and stimulate self-regulated learning during essay writing in secondary education.

Image of a lighthouse

Flora Lighthouse

The Flora Lighthouse project inspires how AI-driven teaching innovations can support student learning by providing tools for students to reflect on their learning.

Contact information


Maria Montessori building

Thomas Van Aquinostraat 4
6525GD Nijmegen
Postal address
Postbus 9104