The Behaviour Change and Well-Being (BCW) group examines basic regulation processes that underlie behaviour change and well-being. To understand individual and social behaviour, we study a variety of psychological processes, including self-control, implicit and explicit evaluations, goal pursuit, agency, mindful attention, psychological defence mechanisms, and the role of sensory input. Our research is generally grounded in social-cognitive psychological theory.
Behaviour Change and Well-Being
Our research, conducted at the Behavioural Science Institute, is centred around four main areas: health behaviour, diversity and inclusivity, social relationships, and environmentally responsible behaviour. We work closely with societal partners to apply our research findings and address real-life challenges in these domains. Likewise, societal challenges motivate us to explore new research questions and shape our theories.
Sustainable behaviour change
Driven by curiosity about the nature of human behaviour, our shared goal is to understand the role of such fundamental processes in contributing to sustainable behaviour change and well-being. For us, the term sustainable refers to long-term and enduring behaviour change that addresses societal challenges, such as those documented in the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Four domains
In particular, the BCW group focuses on four domains: 1) health behaviour, 2) diversity and inclusivity, 3) social relationships and 4) environmentally responsible behaviour. By collaborating with relevant societal partners, we aim to apply fundamental research insights to current challenges in each area; conversely, societal challenges inspire us to investigate novel research questions and guide theory building.
Our Team
Our group is characterized by an open, collaborative, informal and enthusiastic atmosphere, with weekly research meetings in colloquia and lab groups for mutual inspiration and exchange of research ideas.
Open science
Researchers in the BCW group are dedicated to conduct high-quality research. This means being committed to open science (e.g., pre-registrations, sharing of data and material), combining different methodologies (e.g., laboratory, field, neuroimaging studies) and valuing team science (e.g., local, national and international collaborations).
In addition, the researchers in our group have a heart for teaching. We meet every few months to discuss our teaching at a meta-level: what do we think are the best teaching methods, and how can we best integrate our research into our teaching? We share the vision that high-quality teaching and research go hand in hand; critical thinking and the value of fundamental research in understanding behaviour and solving societal issues are central to our teaching.