Social Development

Research group

Our research focuses on social and emotional development. We concentrate on two closely related research lines. On the one hand, we conduct fundamental research on social and emotional development and related processes across the human life span. Taking a developmental perspective, we focus on social factors (e.g., parents and peers), individual factors (e.g., temperament, personality), and the interplay between the two. On the other hand, we conduct applied/clinical research on the causes and treatment of psychopathology in childhood, adolescence and young adulthood (including addiction, aggression, anxiety, depression, and trauma). Our ambition is to contribute new knowledge to developmental science that is also relevant for clinical, developmental and educational practice.

Research projects

Logo Mine Project

Mine Project: Mapping Identity, Needs and Emotions in ADHD

People with ADHD tell fascinating live stories. In this project, we listen to them in order to really get to know them, how they feel and what they need.

Onderzoeksproject icoon

EMRRGD: EMotional Reactivity and Emotion ReGulation across Development

Emotions are the sugar and spice of our existence. They add that extra flavor to the taste of everyday life. However, too much of it might ruin the dish ...

Emotie synchronisatie

Being in sync together

This research project investigates the importance of emotional synchrony in close relationships and its impact on lifelong social and emotional development.


Social media op mobiele telefoon

Stricter phone policy at secondary schools: coordination with parents and pupils is crucial

Pupils can no longer use their mobile phones in the classroom, except for educational purposes. Behavioural scientists at Radboud University investigated what pupils think about this policy.

Kinderen in de klas

The classroom as a tool against bullying

A classroom arrangement is never permanent; it moves with the needs of the children and the class over time. It is an indispensable tool in combating bullying behaviour.

eScience Center Grant for QANS questionnaire and nomination software

Researchers from the Behavioural Science Institute have received a grant to further develop the QANS questionnaire and nomination software.


We study caregiver-child interaction in early and middle childhood, peer relationships in middle childhood and adolescence, and social and romantic relationships later in life. We study typical and atypical populations (e.g., youth with externalising and internalising problems and children of traumatised parents). We combine sophisticated longitudinal and observational methods of developmental research with innovative methodologies. We use randomised controlled trials, single case studies and innovative designs (e.g., micro trials) to test the effectiveness and working mechanisms of treatment and interventions.

Research methods

Our methods include questionnaires, implicit measures, behavioural paradigms, psychophysiology and hormonal assessments (e.g., cortisol), neuropsychological paradigms, fMRI, and EEG recordings. These are analysed statistically through sociometric analyses, sequential analyses, dynamic social network modelling, and advanced longitudinal data analyses (dynamic structural equation modelling, ecological momentary assessments). Because we deem it crucial that knowledge reaches the people for whom it is made (youngsters, parents, school staff, …), we are passionate about co-creation, science communication and knowledge dissemination.

Research groups

Peer relations Lab Group


Contact information


Maria Montessori building

Thomas Van Aquinostraat 4
6525GD Nijmegen
06 31132448
Postal address
Postbus 9104
Contact person
M.A.E. van Lier (Marieke) kand.