Cognitive and Developmental Aspects of Multilingualism

The goal of our research is to understand and explain the development, representation and processing of multiple languages during the lifespan. We investigate language acquisition and processing in a range of populations, including late second language learners and simultaneous and successive bilingual children, in both instructed and naturalistic settings. Cross-linguistic comparisons include a range of languages (English, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Spanish, and Turkish).

Our group also actively engages in a range of outreach activities, including of course our very own Kletskoppen child language festival.

Our current projects focus on online bilingual processing in children and adults. With respect to children, we study (early) foreign language learning, cross-linguistic influence, predictive processsing, and language dominance in bilingual acquisition. With respect to adults, we focus on cognate processing, word naming and word translation, sentence comprehension and production, and language switching. 

Research projects

Silhouette of a boy reading at sunset

Reading beyond borders

This 3-year research project proposes an in-depth and longitudinal investigation of second-language (L2) reading comprehension of primary school children in non-Western educational contexts.

Two children gossiping to each other

Input effects on the morphosyntactic development of Dutch as a heritage language in bilingual children

This project investigates the Dutch language development of Dutch-speaking children in France and Germany by exploring the role of the other language (French or German) and amount of exposure on the development of Dutch as a home language.

Infographic meertaligheid in beeld

Bilingualism in the picture

Three educational animations about bilingualism for primary school pupils, parents and teachers!

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Erasmusplein 1
6525HT Nijmegen
Postal address
Postbus 9103