Radboud University Press

Radboud University Press is the open access publisher at Radboud University of scientific peer-reviewed journals and books in various fields of science. Our mission is to make scientific knowledge freely accessible around the world by making high-quality scientific journals and books affordable for both authors and their audiences.

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This is Radboud University Press

Established in 2021, Radboud University Press is a publisher of high-quality academic peer-reviewed books and journals across a wide range of disciplines.

The 'Diamond' label means that Radboud University Press offers open-access publications that are free for both authors and readers. Meeting the highest academic standards is the primary goal. The main principle of publishing at Radboud University Press is that authors retain full ownership of their copyrights.

We collaborate with the national Open Journals platform. Open Journals provides a professional open access publishing platform for scientific, peer-reviewed journals. Radboud University Press maintains this platform in collaboration with the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and the OPuS Foundation, a non-profit foundation dedicated to open access publications. 


Radboud University Press is affiliated with a number of organisations. Professional partnerships enhance our capabilities, allowing us to better serve our authors and editors. Affiliations also strengthen our relationships with other university and open access publishers. We continuously collaborate with organisations that can and want to support our common goals.

We are affiliated with the following organisations: 

Boekencompilatie Radboud University Press

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee determines the strategic direction and policy of Radboud University Press. It discusses and approves an annual strategy and monitors its implementation.

Advisory Board

The Advisory Board advises the Steering Committee on policy, strategy, innovation, and sustainable development of Radboud University Press.

Editorial Board

Our editorial board consists of prominent and expert scientists affiliated with Radboud University. Their main task is to monitor the scientific quality of our publications and advise on policy and strategy based on its knowledge of the academic community and developments in various fields.

Contact information


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Postal address
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