Affective Neuroscience

Research group

A central theme of our research is the role of automatic action tendencies in affective decision-making, and how emotion control allows the control of such tendencies. We also work towards practical implications of this perspective by testing the hypothesis that direct modulation of abnormal action tendencies - via retraining, electrical neuromodulation, or pharmacology - can improve psychopathological states and reactions to stress. Our research applies multiple neuroscience techniques (fMRI, EEG, tACS en TUS) in combination with stress challenges or hormone administration.

Typical questions we address are:

  • How do we control our automatic emotional action tendencies?
  • How do we decide to shift from initial freeze reactions to active fight/flight reactions?
  • How is motivational behavior altered in anxious and aggressive samples?

Investigating motivational and stress-related behavior at a neural level can provide important clues as to the fundamental mechanisms by which emotion control operates. However, besides providing novel theoretic insights, the knowledge derived from our studies also serves social aims. For instance, our research is currently used to develop new intervention studies (for example using testosterone to boost exposure therapies in social phobia) and to inform policy debates on aggression management by the Ministry of Safety and Justice. This research group is part of Theme 2: Perception, Action and Decision-making.


  • Control mechanisms of social-emotional regulation (2021-2026). This project focusses on the development of non-invasive neuromodulation to improve emotion control in social situations (Funded by a NOW open competition grant by Ivan Toni and Karin Roelofs).                
  • INTENSE: Innovative Neurotechnology for Society (2020-2027). With this consortium grant we aim to improve neural interventions to improve (mental) health conditions.   We mainly focus on developing transcranial ultrasound stimulation at our centre. The project is funded by an NWO Crossover Grant. (PI: Roelfsema)
  • DARE2APPROACH (Jan 2017-2023, consolidator grant funded by the European Research Council-ERC-COG). Full title: “Dare to Approach. A Neurocognitive Approach to Alleviating Persistent Avoidance in Anxiety Disorders". The overarching aim of the project is to develop a neurocognitive computational framework explaining how people make costly avoidance decisions under acute threats and how they are able to override strong avoidance tendencies to obtain a larger goal. 
  • POLICE IN-ACTION (Feb 2015-2020, VICI grant funded by NWO): Longitudinal project on fight/flight decisions in police officers. Neuroendocrine mechanisms and neurobiological markers of stress vulnerability and fight/flight decisions in police officers will be used to predict anxious and aggressive symptoms after traumatic events. In collaboration with the National Dutch Police Force, 400 police recruits were tested around one of the most stressful phases during their training. Brain activation, behavior, and psychophysiological indices will be measured during various stress tests such as shooting tasks and avoidance conditioning tasks. Genetic, epigenetic, and endocrine characteristics were studied.
  • BIOCHILL (2017-2022). NWO creative Industry grant: This project aims to Enhance Police Performance under Stress Through Immersive Biofeedback Training” This collaborative research program involves a collaboration between the BSI, Police Academy, Engine Co 4, IJsfontein, and CbusineZ.
  • DYNAMORE (April 2018-2024). This Horizon2020 funded project was led by Rafael Kalisch. This collaborative European grant aimed to improve the Dynamic modelling of resilience. It is funded by the European Committee (Horizon2020 Personalized Medicine) and started April 2018.

Key grants and prizes

  • 2023   Take-off grant by NWO (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research). Role: Primary applicant (30K): DUST platform (Decision under threat training), a biofeedback-based VR game: (grant No. #20882). Grant to disseminate DUST 
  • 2023   NWA-grant: Biomarkers to personalize treatment of depression (BOOST). (PI: van Wingen€4,6mln); Role: Co-applicant (€300K for our Centre). (Grant No. NWA.1518.22.017).
  • 2021   NWO Open competition SHH 2020 grant. Role applicant together with Ivan Toni (750K). Title: Control mechanisms of social-emotional regulation (grant No. 406.20.GO.020).
  • 2021   Evens Science Prize 2020, an international prize for societally relevant research in cognitive neuroscience. This edition focused on scientific research with the potential to further the understanding of stress and resilience.
  • 2017   ERC-Consolidator Grant, European Research Council (ERC-CoG). Role: Primary applicant (2 mln). Title: DARE2APPROACH: A Neurocognitive Approach to Alleviating Persistent Avoidance in Anxiety Disorders. (grant No. ERC_CoG-2017_772337).
  • 2020   NWO Crossover Grant. (PI: Roelfsema14.3 mln): Role WP-leader (1mln for our). Title: INTENSE: Innovative Neurotechnology for Society. We focus on developing transcranial ultrasound stimulation in our WP.
  • 2017   Horizon2020 Personalized Medicine grant. Role: (PI: Kalisch6 mln); Role co-applicant. Title:  DYNAMORE: Dynamic modelling of resilience (grant No. 777084777084).
  • 2017   NWO Brain and Cognition grant (€750K). Role: Primary applicant. Title: Enhancing Decision Making under Stress Through Immersive Biofeedback Training (grant No. 055.15.139).
  • 2015   Radboud Science Award for most innovative research of the past years
  • 2013   NWO VICI grant. Role: Primary applicant (1.5 mln). Title: Police In-action. The role of freeze-fight-flight tendencies in post-traumatic stress. (grant No. 016 085 354).  

Key publications

  • Bramson, B., Meijer, S., van Nuland, Toni, I., Roelofs, K(2023).Anxious individuals shift emotion control from lateral frontal pole to dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Nature Communication 14, 4880.
  • Roelofs K, Bramson B, Toni I. (2023). A neurocognitive theory of flexible emotion control: The role of the lateral frontal pole in emotion regulation. Ann N Y Acad Sci.1525(1):28-40.
  • Roelofs K. Dayan, P. (2022). Freezing revisited: Coordinated autonomic and central optimization of threat coping. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 23, 568–580.
  • Kaldewaij R, Koch SBJ, Hashemi MM, Zhang W, Klumpers F, Roelofs K. (2021) Anterior prefrontal brain activity during emotion control predicts resilience to post-traumatic stress symptoms. Nature Human Behaviour. 5, 1055–1064.
  • Bramson B, den Ouden HE, Toni I, Roelofs K. (2020). Improving emotional-action control by targeting long-range phase-amplitude neuronal coupling. eLife9:e59600.


EPAN-Lab page:

Research group
Affective Neuroscience

Principal Investigator
Prof. Dr. K. Roelofs

Group members

Dr. Bernd Figner
Dr. Floris Klumpers
Dr. Eliana Vassena
Dr. Anna Tyborowska
Dr. Jacobien van Peer

Dr. Elena Andres
Dr. Bob Bramson
Dr. Anneloes Hulsman
Dr. Julia Pottkämper

PhD Candidates
Floor Burghoorn
Mariana Carneiro de Andrade
Marta Gómez Vargas
Lars Jaswetz
Sjoerd Meijer
Jonathan Posthuma
Teun-Pieter de Snoo
Kenneth van der Zee
Maria Andrikopoulou 
Mingqian Guo
Bingjie Li 
Sarah van den Bosch 
Agnieszka Adamcyk

Contact information

Postal address
Postbus 9101