Education & ICT

The Education & ICT team is part of the department of Education Support and is responsible for supporting and managing the digital learning environment of Radboud University. Education & ICT consists of two sub teams.

Digital learning environment administration team

The DLE administration team is responsible for managing the digital learning environment of Radboud University.

Radboud Educational Clips

The REC team is the partner for lecturers to co-create media products such as educational videos, podcasts and other forms of multimedia.

Read more about the team

Media services

Tell your story using multimedia content. In their studios, Radboud Educational Clips can help you tell your story on video by making use of PowerPoint or animations. Or talk about your subject during a podcast.

Teaching with Brightspace

Brightspace is the digital learning environment of Radboud University. It creates an online environment for your course with discussions, practice tests, a digital portfolio and the possibility to upload video lectures and educational clips.

Contact information


Thomas van Aquinostraat 1

Thomas Van Aquinostraat 1
6525GD Nijmegen
Postal address
Postbus 9102
Contact person
J. in den Bosch (Jos)