Department of Modern Languages and Cultures

The Faculty of Arts has three departments, of which Modern Languages and Cultures (MLC) is one, which is where teaching and research are carried out.


Research on modern languages and cultures within the department takes place in two research institutes: Centre for Language Studies (CLS) and Radboud Institute for Culture & History (RICH). Within CLS, innovative research is carried out in Linguistics, Language and Speech Technology and Communication. RICH brings progressively together all the faculty's (art) historical, literary and cultural research.


The various undergraduate and graduate programmes train students to become critical humanities scholars. Our programmes are characterised by their small-scale teaching, and there are various specialisation options within the different programmes. In the third year of the Bachelor's programme, students choose a minor in which they work on professional skills in collaboration with social partners in addition to deepening the content.

Management Team

Contact information

Postal address
Postbus 9103