FNWI Faculty Office

The Faculty Office provides direct support to the Faculty Board and the administrative process of the Faculty regarding policy, administration, legal affairs, organisation and information level, such as:

  • Support Dean and Administrative Director
  • Secretariat Faculty Board (FB)
  • Secretariat Meeting Research Directors (ODO)
  • Secretariat Faculty Joint Assembly (FGV)
  • Appointments professors (full, associate and assistant)
  • Policy advice
  • Occupational health and safety policy
  • Drafting and reviewing contracts
  • Legal advice
  • Gender policy
  • PhD track / Hora Finita (horafinita [at] science.ru.nl (horafinita[at]science[dot]ru[dot]nl))
  • Documentary information / MyCorsa (dbiv [at] science.ru.nl (dbiv[at]science[dot]ru[dot]nl)

The Faculty Office maintains close contacts with institutes and support services of the Faculty; the Executive Board, the other faculties and the University's central services; and sister faculties and other external partners.

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Contact information


Huygens building

Heyendaalseweg 135
6525AJ Nijmegen
Postal address
Postbus 9010