Many organisations struggle with questions of gender equality, diversity and inclusion. Progress towards these goals calls for organisational change. The multidisciplinary research group vision for change is based on tailor-made conceptualisations of gender equality, diversity and inclusion, grounded in cutting-edge research. The Hot Spot Gender and Power in Politics and Management supports organisations in designing successful policies and practices to realise this.
Their researchers are also brainstorming partners for organisations’ implementation issues. They have extensive experience in participatory action research and consultancy, and also in evaluations of policy strategies and interventions. Additionally, they develop training curricula and workshops for diversity professionals, administrators and managers.
Academically there is much to be gained from an interdisciplinary and comprehensive approach. This contributes to further theoretical and empirical development. The Hot Spot Gender and Power in Politics and Management contributes to the creation of new knowledge for society, by discovering and changing crucial elements of diversity and inequality mechanisms.