Within Auger, our group has pioneered the technique of detecting air showers through the radio signal they emit (Radio detection of air showers). This led to the creation of the Auger Engineering Radio Array (AERA), in which we collaborate with the Astrophysics department at Radboud. Our focus has been on understanding the radio signal emission process in detail in the 30-80 MHz frequency regime by comparing the radio data to the information provided by the Auger SD and FD.
The baseline Pierre Auger Observatory is being upgraded to AugerPrime, in which the surface detector gets a massive overhaul. A Scintillating Surface Detector (SSD) layer and a radio antenna (RD) are added to each SD water-Cherenkov detector. In addition, the electronics has been improved. All enhancements are aimed to improve the quality of air shower measurements and therefore be better at distinguishing different types of cosmic rays hitting the Earth’s atmosphere. This opens up the path to identifying sources of cosmic rays, as well as understanding the interactions in the atmosphere and thus studying particle physics at the highest energies. Our group led the mechanical design of the scintillator detector and produced 180 complete modules. Together with the Astrophysics department we lead the design, production and commissioning of the complete radio detector layer.
In parallel we are performing R&D for the construction of Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection (GRAND), a proposed distributed radio detector with a total area of 200,000 square kilometre that will be a true multi-messenger observatory, being sensitive to cosmic rays, photons and neutrinos at the highest energies. In addition, we are developing detectors for the southern wide field gamma-ray observatory (SWGO).