

The mission of the Mathematics department (part of the Institute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics) is to carry out research at the highest scientific level. Members of the department are passionate researchers, who are involved in ambitious projects. The department also offers Bachelor's and Master's programmes, as well as training for PhD students and activities for secondary school students.

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Wouter van Harten

Wouter van Harten wins third prize in poster competition

In the poster competition of the Dutch-Flemish scientific computing society, Wouter van Harten, a PhD student mathematics at Radboud University, won third prize.

Sharmila Gunasekaran

Veni grant for Sharmila Gunasekaran

The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded a Veni grant to Sharmila Gunasekaran for her project Stability of Anti-de Sitter solitons.

NWO-M1 grant for Maarten Solleveld

Maarten Solleveld won an NWO-M1 grant with the project Formal degrees in the local Langlands programme.


Statistical and machine learning methods for biological data

Applied Analysis Seminar: Federico Bocci

Math for sustainability

Joint Online Math. Relativity Colloquium: Zhongshan An


Applied Mathematics

Our research group in Applied Mathematics is characterised by its interdisciplinary approach. We have close links to other research institutes at Radboud University, as well as the Applied Stochastics and Mathematical Physics groups within the mathematics department. Our research focuses on both theoretical and numerical aspects of the problems we study.

Applied Mathematics

Mathematical Physics

The aim of this research is to cover Mathematical Physics from a broad point of view, including all the four traditional disciplines of mathematics: Analysis, Algebra, Geometry, and Stochastics. The research primarily involves structures that originated or matured in the context of quantum mathematical physics in the tradition of von Neumann. The following research directions in Mathematical Physics are well represented in Nijmegen: Differential Geometry and Gauge theories, Mathematical General Relativity, Noncommutative Geometry, and Integrable Systems.

Mathematical Physics

Probability and Statistics

Probability is the area of mathematics that deals with processes and objects where randomness plays a role. Statistics aims to develop methods to extract important information from data using probabilistic models. This field has a broad range of applications, in natural sciences such as statistical mechanics, biology, neuroscience, chemistry, as well as in issues related to modern society such as economics, technology, social sciences and operations research. 

Probability and Statistics

Pure Mathematics

Pure Mathematics is a vast area of research that includes many subfields. One of the beauties of Pure Mathematics is that so many mathematical themes get interwoven; seemingly distinct topics are related and connected, often in surprising ways. Directions that are represented in the group are: Algebraic and Arithmetic Geometry, Algebraic Topology, Differential Geometry, Logic and Computer Algebra, Number Theory, and Representation Theory and Lie Theory.

Pure Mathematics


Mathematics is essential to our world and can be found everywhere, in nature, in our economy, and in our minds. Through structures, formulas, and patterns, it provides the basis for understanding our environment. Our Bachelor's programme lays the foundations for working in the many directions of mathematics and its applications. Our Master's programme offers the opportunity to explore unresolved mathematical mysteries alongside cutting-edge researchers in fields such as Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Mathematical Physics. The Master's synergy tracks Mathematics of Computer Science, Mathematics of Data Science, and Gravity+ allow combining the study of mathematics with that of related disciplines.

Bachelor's Mathematics

Master's Mathematics


A PhD in Mathematics is a gateway to a career in academia, research both in and out of the public sector, positions in industry, finance, and government agencies. In the department of Mathematics, PhD projects in all of its areas of research can be carried out. 

PhD vacancies

Doing a PhD at Radboud University

Contact information


Huygens building

Heyendaalseweg 135
6525AJ Nijmegen
Postal address
Postbus 9010