The Spectroscopy of Cold Molecules department (part of Institute for Molecules and Materials) develops and uses unique experimental techniques to control, collide and image individual molecules in the gas-phase. We investigate how molecules collide, react, and exchange energy, focusing on the influence of molecular structure on these fundamental processes.
Spectroscopy of Cold Molecules
We develop and use advanced techniques like Stark and Zeeman decelerators, electrostatic deflectors, ultrafast lasers, and charged-particle imaging detectors to control and image individual gas-phase molecules. These tools allow us to manipulate properties such as velocity, quantum state, and orientation, enabling precise studies of molecular processes in unexplored regimes. The Spectroscopy of Cold Molecules department consists of three research groups that focus on the following topics.
Imaging the wave character of colliding molecules and atoms
Bas van de Meerakker
We use a 2.6-meter-long Stark decelerator in a crossed molecular beam setup to investigate inelastic molecular collisions by precisely controlling the velocity of neutral polar molecules. Invented at Radboud University Nijmegen in 1998, the decelerator leverages inhomogeneous electric fields to provide packets of molecules with narrow velocity distribution for high-resolution scattering experiments. This technique allows us to study (in)elastic or reactive scattering across a range of collision energies, offering insights into quantum mechanical details and potential energy surfaces.
Imaging reactive collisions between individual molecules and atoms
Jolijn Onvlee
Our aim is to fully understand and control chemical reactions on the molecular level by investigating reactive collisions where chemical bonds are broken and formed between individual gas-phase molecules. We use advanced experimental techniques to study these reactions in extreme detail.
Imaging chemical processes at ultrafast timescales
Daniel Horke
The group develops new methods to study fundamental chemical processes using advanced laser technologies to observe molecules at ultrafast timescales. We investigate how small structural changes affect chemical functionality, develop innovative analytical instruments for detecting chiral molecules, and introduce large biological molecules into the gas phase for sensitive analysis. Additionally, we utilize high-energy photon sources (XUV, x-ray) to study chemical functionality. More about the Ultrafast Chemical Dynamics group
The scientific contributions of researchers of the department can be found in the Publications archive in Radboud Repository.
In the Spectroscopy of Cold Molecules Department, we investigate fundamental molecular interactions, studying collisions and energy dissipation at near-zero Kelvin temperatures with femtosecond time resolution. We develop unique machines and use advanced laser techniques to visualize quantum phenomena in unprecedented detail. If you are interested in exploring the molecular quantum world at the intersection of physics and chemistry, consider joining our department.
Academic staff
Below are the professors and assistant professors of Spectroscopy of Cold Molecules. Head of the department is Prof. Bas van de Meerakker, Assistant professors are Dr. Jolijn Onvlee and Dr. Daniel Horke.