Radboud Gender & Diversity Studies

Radboud Gender & Diversity Studies connects researchers from different disciplinary backgrounds, with different perspectives and methods to enable collaboration and work together on understanding complex contemporary societal issues.


Are you interested in issues concerning sex, gender, and/or sexuality? At Radboud Gender & Diversity Studies, you can deepen your interest by taking various (inter)disciplinary courses at both bachelor's and master's levels. Click below on 'Gender education' for more information.


Research on Gender and Diversity at Radboud University is housed in several research groups organised by faculty.

Check our most recent research projects


Screenshot van Mariecke bij NOS

NOS spoke with prof. dr. Mariecke van den Berg about footballers and their religion

NOS interviewed prof. dr. Mariecke van den Berg and spoke with her about the players of the Dutch football team and their openly expressed religion.

Holistische vrouw

The Spiritual Turn and “Feminization”: Turning a Gender Lens on Spirituality

Assistant professor Francesco Cerchiaro is the co-author of an article in the journal Sociology of Religion.

Cover intersectional gender studies

Positive advice for newly developed MA Intersectional Gender Studies!

Monday April 15th, the committee of the NVAO (Dutch Flemish Accreditation Organisation) decided to advise positively and unconditionally about the MA Intersectional Gender Studies. We expect the final decision of the NVAO in July.

Contact information

Contact person
J.E. Sterk (Garjan)