Career Service Management

Career Service Management advises students, recent graduates (alumni), study associations and courses from the Nijmegen School of Management on finding a suitable job and preparing for it. 

Want to get started to discover your career?

Discover the Brightspace Career Orientation under continuous courses or check out the general career support for all Radboud students.


Career Service & Alumni NSM Team

Make an appointment

You can make an appointment with one of our career officers for career advise, and a cv or cover letter check. You can choose a shorter or longer conversation and an online or in-person conversation.

  • 20 minutes: for feedback on your application (including CV check) or short career questions;
  • 40 minutes: for career questions or practice for a job interview. Do you have a short question, i.e. a cv-check? Please make an appointment of 20 minutes.

Make an appointment below in the desired form and duration. You can then email your CV, letter and a relevant vacancy to careerservice [at] (careerservice[at]fm[dot]ru[dot]nl)

Make an appointment

Workshops and events

Workshop skills

Workshop 'FAQ: what are your qualities?' (Dutch)

In this workshop, you will explore your strengths. This will help you better to find an internship or job that suits you and to point out your strengths in your application.

Denkend uit de crisis | Lezing en gesprek door filosoof Jan Bransen

Workshop 'Making sense of not knowing' (English)

In the workshop 'Making sense of not knowing' (in English) you will gain insight into your choice process and you may discover what you want to choose.

Poppetjes die vragen en oplossingen hebben

Workshop 'Making sense of not knowing' (Dutch)

In the workshop 'The sense of not knowing' (in Dutch) you will gain insight into your choice process and you may discover what you want to choose.

E-mail us

Couldn't find the help you were looking for yet? We would like to know your feedback, ideas and specific requests. Please let us know via careerservice [at] (careerservice[at]fm[dot]ru[dot]nl).

Follow us

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Contact information


Career Service & Alumni Management (N 00.130) (EOS)

Room number
N 00.130
Heyendaalseweg 141
6525AJ Nijmegen
Postal address
Postbus 9108