
Vox is Radboud University's independent journalism platform, aimed at staff and students. The editors post daily news and videos on the website voxweb.nl and are also active through their own channels on social media. In addition, a hard copy Vox magazine is published four times a year, with each edition focusing on a theme. 

Vox focuses on important topics on campus and brings different stories than the university itself does. For example, the editors ask keen questions about policies and make critical voices heard, for example about social manners and the provision of plant-based food in the Refter. In doing so, Vox contributes not only to transparency on campus, but also to reach a better discussions. Although Vox is funded by the university, independence is firmly established with an editorial statute and an editorial board. Interference from above is therefore out of the question.  

As a student or employee, do you have an important issue at the university that deserves attention? Then let the editors know at redactie [at] voxweb.nl (redactie[at]voxweb[dot]nl).  

Contact information

Postal address
Postbus 9102