Political Science

The world is changing. Globalisation and technological change have affected the ability of governments to shape developments in their respective societies. Key institutions of international and domestic order face increasing backlash. Global issues such as climate change, migration, economic crises, terrorism or great power conflict challenge governments, international organisations, companies and civil society actors alike. The complexity and interconnectedness of contemporary politics requires these actors to manage and be responsive to the demands of their stakeholders and citizens at global, regional, national and local levels. How do they do this? And how should they act?

The Department of Political Science examines these and related questions about power, society and public life in its research and teaching. It does so to foster the capacities and skills of engaged, critical citizens devoted to pursuing questions and solutions of political community and civic life. Read more about the story of Nijmegen School of Management.




Programme assessment 

The report (in English) was recently published.

View it here


The departmental approach is to focus on legitimacy and institutional change: institutional change (globally, regionally, nationally) may accommodate demands and affect capabilities; legitimacy is indispensable in effectuating institutional change, whereas institutional performance will affect legitimacy and thus the long-term resilience of societies. The Department Political Science is embedded in the Institute for Management Research. View all publications here.

About our department

Want to know more about what we stand for as a political science department, what makes us unique, and what we focus on in our research and education? Then have a look at the video.

Research in the picture

Some of the research of the Department of Political Science is featured below. View the full news overview and all ongoing projects here.

Famke Veenstra portret

Jury 'blown away': Famke Veenstra wins Daniel Heinsius prize for best master's thesis in political science

Famke Veenstra wins Daniel Heinsius Prize for the best master's thesis in the Netherlands, awarded on behalf of the Dutch Circle for Science of Politics NKWP.

Moet de NPO op de schop? | Radboud Actualiteiten Podcast met politicoloog Emily Gravesteijn

Should NPO Be Shaken Up? | Radboud Current Affairs Podcast with political scientist Emily Gravesteijn

This podcast in Dutch. Listen to this Radboud Current Affairs podcast in Dutch, in which philosopher and program manager Bas van Woerkum-Rooker talks with political scientist Emily Gravesteijn about the criticism of the NPO.

Blogs and interviews

Famke Veenstra portret

Interview with Daniel Heinsius Master’s Thesis Prizewinner Famke Veenstra

Famke Veenstra recently won the prestigious Daniel Heinsius prize for the best master’s thesis in political science in the Netherlands. We interviewed her about her prize-winning thesis, next steps, and the moment she heard the big news.

Indigenous social movements

Student blog: Degrowth or ecomodernism? A response to Rutger Bregman

Dutch historian Rutger Bregman, famous for berating billionaires at the World Economic Forum over tax avoidance, was once again caught up in controversy. Camiel Bus outlined degrowth’s theoretical merit in connection with ecomodernist literature.

Portret Lilian Marijnissen

'Studying gives you the opportunity to learn to think analytically’

As a child, SP party leader Lilian Marijnissen wanted to become a vet. Yet, years later, she chose to study Political Science in Nijmegen: “I wanted to understand how inequality comes about so I could do something about it.”

Contact information


Elinor Ostrom building

Heyendaalseweg 141
6525AJ Nijmegen
Postal address
Postbus 9108