Works Council

The Works Council (OR) represents the interests of the employees of the university. The OR consists of 21 elected members. The OR works together with the Representative Councils (OC) and has three permanent committees: Finance, Personnel and Real Estate, Research, Education and Students and Strategy, ICT and Impact. The members have a two-year term of office.

More on employee participation


Federation of Dutch Trade Unions

The FNV fraction plays a prominent role within the Works Council. The union is proactive, critical and constructive, knows what is going on within the university and represents both support and academic staff. The FNV stands for decent salaries, working conditions and workplaces. At the same time, they advocate a sustainable campus and improved interfaculty and international cooperation.

General University Interest

AUB wants to build a university that enables inspiring education and groundbreaking research. The experiences of faculty, researchers and support staff are very important in this. In reorganizations, the reduction of regulation and workload and real career support, the human measure is the approach. 

General Education Union

The AOb is the academic union with a broad, international and inclusive perspective on the university. The union makes a case for combating work pressure by realizing a realistic workload, more user-oriented support and an organization with less overhead and less hierarchy, which revolves primarily around the shop floor of education and research. Furthermore, they are committed to good (and permanent) employment contracts, social safety, a campus with more greenery and space to meet, and the promotion of staff diversity, biodiversity and energy conservation.

Promovendi Overleg Nijmegen

PON represents all PhD students at Radboud University on issues such as good PhD guidance, clear final criteria, good career prospects, a responsible balance in tasks and sufficient opportunities for education of and to PhD students; everything to make a PhD as successful, enjoyable and instructive as possible. Also, PON provides a fresh perspective in the OR, always keeping the interests of early-career researchers in mind.

Upcoming meetings

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Contact information

Postal address
Postbus 9102
6500HC Nijmegen