Centre for International Conflict Analysis & Management

The Centre for International Conflict - Analysis & Management (CICAM), founded in 1965 under the name Peace Research Centre, is an academic research and teaching institute and part of the Political Science department of the Nijmegen School of Management.

CICAM's main tasks are to conduct academic research on, provide education on and create public engagement with violent conflict and war as well as peace and security. Through its teaching, research and knowledge valorisation, CICAM contributes to the faculty's mission: ‘Responsible governance for sustainable societies’. Read more about the story of the Nijmegen School of Management here.


Initially, CICAM's teaching programme consisted purely of courses for free space in Radboud University's many degree programmes. Nowadays, besides offering electives and a minor in Conflict Studies, many CICAM courses are part of multiple programmes:


CICAM's research specialises in the analysis of contemporary violent conflicts and peace promotion initiatives. CICAM researchers study these phenomena from the perspective of actors in conflict-affected countries themselves, while remaining aware of the embedding of local dynamics in national, international and transnational developments. The research programme is embedded in the Institute for Management Research.

Research in the picture

Some of the research of the Department of Business Administration is featured below. View the full news overview and all ongoing projects here.


Modern backhoe ploughing agricultural field

Synergizing Sustainability

This project aims to better understand how policy-making for agricultural development in the Sahel results in synergies, as well as frictions and trade-offs between different development goals, such as agricultural development and food security.

vier soldaten met geweren voor een helicopter

Project Moral Injury

A substantial number of (former) military and police personnel, who work as both performers and targets of violence in high-risk environments, develop ‘moral injury’. To tackle this, comprehensive knowledge about moral injury is needed.

Mensen op het strand


What are the trajectories, infrastructures, and diplomacies that shape the EU’s governance of return migration? What are the effects and human rights costs of this return governance?

Leon Wecke Prize

As a tribute to Leon Wecke and his work for CICAM and Dutch society, CICAM awards the Leon Wecke Prize to a person working in the Netherlands who brings a critical and/or contrary voice to the public discussion around war, peace and international politics. This may be a scientist, but also a publicist, a politician, an employee of an international (non-governmental) organisation, or a student.

More information

Leon Weckeprijs


Portrait of Willemijn Verkoren

The educational passion of Willemijn Verkoren

Als tegenhanger van een onderwijslast vragen we elke maand een Radbouddocent om een onderwijslust te delen. Deze maand vertelt Willemijn Verkoren waar zij energie van krijgt in het onderwijs.

Nora Stel portretfoto

University lecturer Nora Stel interviewed by Radio NPO1 and Nieuwsuur

Nora Stel was interviewed by Radio NPO1 ‘Met het Oog op Morgen’ and Nieuwsuur on the refugee issue in Syria, the EU's migration deal with Lebanon and the increasing hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah.

Victor Bouemar Dinocheau and Adriaan Duiveman at Rockets over the Red Sea: Intervention in Yemen | Current Affairs Lecture

Interesting podcast episodes – Nora Stel, Sanne Weber, Victor Bouemar Dinocheau and Joep van Lit

Listen to new podcast episodes by Nora Stel, Sanne Weber, Victor Bouemar Dinocheau and Joep van Lit here.

Contact information

Postal address
Postbus 9108