Center for Religion and Contemporary Society

The Center for Religion and Contemporary Society (CRCS) aims to clarify the position and role of religion and spirituality within the modern context of ambivalent and contested meaning.


Is atheïsme ook een geloof? | Lezing en gesprek met theoloog Rik Peels en religiewetenschapper Lena Richter

Is Atheism a Religion? | Lecture and conversation with theologian Rik Peels and religious scientist Lena Richter

What is atheism? Is it simply the absence of faith in a God? Or is it a philosophy of life with its own traditions, beliefs and sense of community? Learn from theologian Rik Peels and religion scholar Lena Richter what a world without God looks like.

Foto van Habtom Yohannes met een waardecheque van €500,- en een bos bloemen

Habtom Yohannes wins Gouden Klinker

Award for engaged journalism to Radboud PhD student.

stapel boeken

Psychological wellbeing, personal development and meaning in life in highschools

This study sheds light on spiritual care options for high school students, based in part on meaningfulness aspects of well-being issues among these youth.

Main lines of research

The CRCS studies religion and spirituality following four interrelated themes:

  • Resilient societies and the good life
  • Contingency and meaning
  • Death and remembrance
  • Cloisters

The CRCS analyses these issues within Christianity, Islam, Asian and Indigenous religions and among the religiously non-affiliated, as well as through cross- religious comparative studies. CRCS aims for empirically informed theory development on contemporary religion and spirituality, while taking into account the historical and scriptural origins of present-day religion. The center therefore aspires to contribute to robust and empirically based theory on the roles and functions of religion in contemporary society.

Way of working

At a societal level we investigate the controversial position of religion in the public domain and the partial and differential role of religion in social cohesion. At the institutional level we focus on the diminishing and at the same time changing role of religion in defining public values in among other things education, health care and public policy. At the personal level we investigate the role of religion regarding the forming of personal meaning, in particular in moments of insecurity and distress.


The valorisation of our academic work is vital to us. We do this by working with professionals in religious communities, education, care and politics. Societal impact and knowledge also play a significant role in our efforts to reach a more general audience through public lectures and contributions to the media and exhibitions.


To find answers to these questions, the CRCS closely cooperates with social sciences, law and medicine. This multidisciplinary approach offers new insights into possible theory formation on religion and spirituality. The Center for Religion and Contemporary Society encompasses three chairs: Comparative religious studies, Empirical and practical religious studies and Islam studies.


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