Laudato Si' Institute

The Laudato Si’-Institute for integral ecology conducts academic research from an integral and trans-disciplinary perspective in the area of environmental sustainability and justice. Not only chemical, technical and biological aspects, but also political, economic, philosophical, and spiritual dimensions of the ecological crisis are included in our research projects.


Carmody Grey

Carmody Grey appointed professor by special appointment of Integral Ecology

Carmody Grey is per 1 oktober 2024 benoemd tot bijzonder hoogleraar Integrale Ecologie aan het Laudato Si’-Instituut, binnen de Faculteit der Filosofie, Theologie en Religiewetenschappen van de Radboud Universiteit.


Verdiepingsdag Ecologische spiritualiteit

This event will be in Dutch. For more info, please visit the Dutch page of this event.

Banner van de lezing van Radboud Reflects tijdens Nimma aan Zee.

What Can We Learn From Animals?

Learn from philosophers Bas van Woekum-Rooker and Gerard Kuperus how best to understand animal intelligence and what we can learn from it.

Bosbrand op een heuvelrug in de nacht

About the Laudato Si'-Institute 

The method and ideas of integral ecology are based on the 2015 encyclical Laudato Si’ by Pope Francis, also used for the name of the institute. The institute is a collaboration between the independent thinkthank Socires and Radboud University.

We just started

With an integral perspective towards ecology, the Laudato Si' Institute attempts to bridge academic, religous, and social boundaries. Are you interested to explore how you can play a role in our endeavors?

laudatosi [at] (Contact us)

Contact information

Postal address
Erasmusplein 1