Different perspectives sustainable flying

Radboud University and Radboudumc are working together for a healthy world and a sustainable campus and aiming for carbon-neutral transport by 2030. Interviews were held with several scientists. How do they view science and business air travel? This provides a varied view on necessary presence abroad and also on the feasibility of carbon-neutral travel.

  • You can definitely be a good researcher if you fly less
    Foto Barbara Muller
    Barbara Müller researcher and lecturer (associate professor, UHD) in Communication Science Read Barbara's story
  • In general, sustainable behaviour is not rewarded in this world
    Foto Henk-Jan Kooij
    Henk-Jan Kooij researcher and lecturer (assistant professor, UD) in Planning and Geography Read Henk-Jan's story
  • Flying from one conference to another does not necessarily make you a better scientist
    Foto Lothar Smit
    Lothar Smith Professor of Human Geography Read Lothar's story
  • My rule is in any case to never fly to places where I will only be listening, but only where I have a speaking engagement.
    Foto marc davidson
    prof. dr. Marc Davidson Professor of Philosophical Ethics and Political Philosophy Read prof.'s story