Donders Graduate School Introduction day

Tuesday 15 October 2024, 11 am - 5 pm

The Donders Graduate School organises a bi-annual introduction day for all new PhD candidates of the Donders institute. If you have just started your project and haven't yet attended our Introduction day please register below.


  • 11.00    Welcome
  • 11.15    Get to know the confidential advisors and confidential contact persons
  • 11.30    Graduate School information 
  • 12.00    Lunch & get to know each other 
  • 12.30    Get to know the PhD council and PON 
  • 12.45    Taking the lead in your PhD
  • 14.15    Break
  • 14.30    Training: Challenges of a PhD project
  • 16.30    Closure with drinks    
Tuesday 15 October 2024, 11 am - 5 pm
Trigon Building, Red Room
Registration deadline
* Mandatory field

With this form you register for the DGS Introduction Day of 15 October from 9.30 - 17.00. If you register we are counting on your presence and you've blocked your agenda for this date.

Food will be vegetarian and (non)alcoholic drinks will be served. Do you have any other dietary requirements you would like us to be aware of?