Bas Bloem
Bas Bloem

Royal Honours for Bas Bloem and Marten Munneke

On Saturday, April 13, 2024, Marten Munneke and Bas Bloem were awarded Royal Honours by Minister of Medical Care Pia Dijkstra. This award ceremony took place during the annual Symposium World Parkinson's Day 2024, organized by the Parkinson's Association in Nieuwegein. Marten Munneke was appointed Officer in the Order of Orange-Nassau and Bas Bloem as Knight in the Order of the Dutch Lion.

Bas Bloem and Marten Munneke are the creators, founders, and architects of ParkinsonNet, a national network of approximately 4,000 healthcare providers specialized in the treatment and guidance of people with Parkinson's disease or a form of parkinsonism. Together, Bloem and Munneke are dedicated to continuously improving care for people with this disease. This includes aspects like exercise, healthy lifestyle, and multidisciplinary care such as physiotherapy and speech therapy. This innovative care model received the Value Based Healthcare Prize in 2015 and is now implemented in various countries. Founded in 2004, ParkinsonNet, celebrating its twentieth anniversary this year, is globally recognized as a model for the treatment of people with chronic diseases, aiming to improve quality of life and reduce healthcare costs.

Read the full (Dutch) press release on the Radboudumc website.

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